Mijn lijst met blogs

maandag 13 oktober 2008

Flightlines and vanishing point

Flightlines represent a flighty perspective that has no vanishing points.
Soon enough though they will vanish....

donderdag 25 september 2008

Sunlight, straight lines of light.

I just call these sunlight-lines. Sun rays on a child's face.
Child taking first steps in the sunlight.

zaterdag 30 augustus 2008

Poppy Lines for Ian Hristo

No, the poppy pod lower in this blog is not of the California Poppy. The picture shows you the Californian seed pod. (just about to burst). They are of the same family though,in fact everything is the same except for genus and species. Gardeners call the California Poppy : Eschscholzia to avoid misunderstanding.

..... California Poppy:Kingdom: Plantae, Division: Magnoliophyta, Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Ranunculales Family: Papaveraceae Genus: Eschscholzia Species: E. californica ..... Papaver: Papaver – Iceland poppy, Oriental poppy, Opium poppy, corn poppy . Eschscholzia – California poppy . .....

Opium Poppy: Kingdom: Plantae, Division: Magnoliophyta,Class: Magnoliopsida,Order: Ranunculales Family: Papaveraceae Genus: Papaver Species: P. somniferum

woensdag 27 augustus 2008

Skyline with Black Moon.

A black full moon at sundown. No. Can't be.
A skyline formed by the roofline of a three storeyed building's roof. A bird. Duck or dove, not sure.
To be true it is a lost balloon over the Hague City working a nipt escape towards the beach.

woensdag 20 augustus 2008

Up- and- Down- the- Wall Railway Line

The shortest railway line on earth. The Up- and- Down- the Wall Line. A tiny work of art by The Rotterdam artist Frans Stuurman
Material: iron wire

The Trans Siberian Railway-Line. The Longest?

No. The T.S. R. is a network.
The Trans-Siberian Railway or Trans-Siberian Railroad (Транссибирская магистраль, Транссиб in Russian, or Transsibirskaya magistral', Transsib) is a network of railways connecting Moscow and European Russia with the Russian Far East provinces, Mongolia, China and the Sea of Japan. The Trans-Siberian railway is often associated with the main transcontinental Russian train that connects hundreds of big and small cities of the European and Asian parts of Russia. At 9,288 kilometres (5,772 miles), spanning a record 15 time zones and taking several days to complete the journey, it is the third-longest single continuous service in the world, after the MoscowPyongyang (10267 km, 6380 mi) [1] and the KievVladivostok (11085 km, 6888 mi) [2] services, both of which also follow the Trans-Siberian for much of their routes. The route was opened by Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovitch of Russia after his eastern journey ended.

zondag 27 juli 2008

Two Surf-Lines

Two surf-lines. The lower shows tourists on the beach near Krabi, Thailand, just seconds before the tsunami of 2004 hits the beach.
The upper surf-line shows children at the beach of Scheveningen gathering waste in exchange for free surf lessons.

dinsdag 22 juli 2008

How many white Lines?

How many white lines in this white rectangle?
> How many white lines in this rectangle?
> How many white lines?
How many miles to Babylon?
Three score and ten. Can I get there by candlelight? Aye, and back again. If your feet are nimble and light, You'll get there by candlelight.

donderdag 17 juli 2008

Holes of the Poppy Pod

So you see.... a neat little row of quadrangles under the flat cap; a circle with radiuses.
A little globe of a house with windows like in a skybox.

dinsdag 15 juli 2008

Wheel on the Poppy Pod

The ' lid ' of a poppy pod shows that the spikes of this ' wheel ' have lenght but also breadth. So you can't call them lines but linear they are and concentric in a natural circle. Spikes.
The number of spikes on each poppy pod's head is not consistant . This one has got 14 , but there are others with 11, 12 and thirteen.
Wonderful to see that when when the seeds are getting near being ripe little windows open up
right under the lid of the pod. A neat regular row of holes to let the seeds escape.
Those holes are in number always equal to the spikes.

zaterdag 12 juli 2008

Lenght without Breadth

In two dimensions, two different lines can either be parallel, meaning they never meet, or may intersect at one and only one point. In three or more dimensions, lines may also be skew, meaning they don't meet, but also don't define a plane. Two distinct planes intersect in at most one line.While Euclid did define a line as "length without breadth" , he did not use this rather obscure definition in his later development.______________________ < Lenght without breadth * *

woensdag 2 juli 2008

Power-lines Collapse

Collapsing giants:
An electricity pylon or transmission tower is a tall, usually steel lattice structure used to support overhead electricity conductors for electric power transmission.
On Jan /12 / 1998 the power of nature prevailed over man -made power constructions. See what happened to the proud lines in the lower image : In Canada and North-East U.S. hundreds of Power pylons collapsed under the weight of glazed frost.
In Nov / 2005 the same thing happened in Germany. (upper image) Broken and collapsed giants

vrijdag 27 juni 2008

In the material world the pure single line does not exist

All lines we see as lines are in fact no lines at all, but the intersection of planes, surfaces, flat or curved ; the contours af a cilinder or a sphere or any other object. No matter how thin a thread, it has substance, measurement, the only pure line is in our minds.

dinsdag 24 juni 2008

A stanza of four lines, the Rubáiyát.

The Rubáiyát of Omar khayyám
The author of the original collection of rhymes was
Ghiyáthuddin Abulfath Omar bin Ibráhim al-Khayyámi: Omar, son of Abraham, the tentmaker.
He was an 11 century mathematician. Died in his birthplace Naishapur in 1123. Edward FitzGerald, born in Suffolk ,1809, translated the work in four-lined stanzas or quatrains. In Five following Editions. Rewriting parts each time.

This 'quatrain' for the summer 's moment:

And look- a thousand Blossoms with the Day
Woke- and a thousand scatter'd into Clay
And this first Summer Month that brings the Rose
Shall take Jamshýd and Kaikobád away.
( "Rubaiyat" (derived from the Arabic root word for 4) means "quatrains" ): ------------

woensdag 18 juni 2008

Ah! The days of roses!

dinsdag 17 juni 2008

Single line drawings, Botticelli

Little known is the series of approx. 90 drawings made by Sandro Botticelli in the 1490-s to the Divina Commedia (Divine Comedy ) Divina Commedia by Dante. Dante Alighieri Done in single line with perhaps a silver point. As the vellum was not properly prepared, the drawings were fading rapidly. So a certain part is (often partially) inkted over by the artist and probably assistants.
In a way Botticelli was the first "Comic strip" artist ; his continuing story takes Dante, guided by the spirit of Vergilius Virgil , through Hell and Purgatory up to Heaven where the spirit of Beatrice take over the guide's task.
He could be regarded as the remote fore- runner of modern times ' strip' drawers such as Hergé.
Hergé : ligne claire
The image shows Dante and Vergilius approaching the gate of Hell , passing through it and starting the long journey up to Heaven.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oudere berichten : Older Posts :

zaterdag 14 juni 2008

Stretching for Roses

Ah!!! The beanstalk has outgrown the rigid bamboo stick.
Now free to go it has passed the Lineair Recursive stage
and reaches for the roses. Fare well! Let it go!

donderdag 12 juni 2008


308,000,000 before present, Walker County , Alabama
Cincosaurus cobbi Aldrich These tiny curved lines of small reptile (?) feet walked the earth long ago and got preserved in slate:
Ala.--More than 300 million years ago, nature froze time in its tracks here --- leaving a legacy of fossil footprints that paleontologists say is now one of the richest records of coal age life in the world. In the last three years, thin sheets of gray shale unearthed at the Union Chapel Coal Mine in Walker County have yielded thousands of perfectly preserved footprints of creatures that are older than the dinosaurs.


From a comment contribution by Ian Hristo in answer to post: Beanstalks in dubio.
“Plants follow Fibonacci's numbers as a growth pattern (more concerning the leaves and their growth pattern), we just want to make them grow along a straight line, so it is asking for trouble... But Fibonacci is about LINEair recursion so the word line is in here. Fibonacci lived in pre-Renaissance period >(1202).”
The Fibonacci numbers are Nature's numbering system. They appear everywhere in Nature, from the leaf arrangement in plants, to the pattern of the florets of a flower, the bracts of a pinecone, or the scales of a pineapple. The Fibonacci numbers are therefore applicable to the growth of every living thing, including a single cell, a grain of wheat, a hive of bees, and even all of mankind.

The beans have reached the top. Now it’s up to them which pattern they’re gonna chose. Ucello may have thought lineair perspective lovely, this is pretty too.

maandag 9 juni 2008

The Territory

This is the blackbird's territory.

Intersecting bamboo lines

Each end of the day in the low sun the blackbird takes a rest on
the bamboo stick that unifies the two runner bean wigwams.
For a short while he sits, turning his yellow beak hither and
thither, quietly overlooking his territory.

vrijdag 6 juni 2008

Renaissance Lines

Many Artists from the early Reanaissance were linear perspective addicts. from Wikipedia: Piero della Francesca, (born Paolo di Dono, 1397December 10, 1475) was an Italian painter who was notable for his pioneering work on visual perspective in art. Giorgio Vasari in his book Lives of the Artists wrote that Uccello was obsessed by his interest in perspective and would stay up all night in his study trying to grasp the exact vanishing point. He used perspective in order to create a feeling of depth in his paintings and not, as his contemporaries, to narrate different or succeeding stories. Uccello's wife told people that Paolo used to stay up all night in his study, trying to work out the vanishing points of his perspective, and that when she called him to come to bed he would say: "Oh what a lovely thing this perspective is!" (Giorgio Vasari, The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects.)

Renaissance Lines

From Wikpedia:
Piero della Francesca, (c. 1412October 12, 1492) was an Italian artist of the Early Renaissance. To contemporaries, he was known as a mathematician and geometer as well as an artist, though now he is chiefly appreciated for his art. His painting was characterized by its serene humanism and its use of geometric forms, particularly in relation to perspective and foreshortening. Most of his work was produced in the Tuscan town of Arezzo

Globe Ball Sphere Marble Bubble

Thus, in three dimensions, a mathematical sphere is considered to be a two-dimensional spherical surface embedded in three-dimensional space, rather than the volume contained within it (which mathematicians would instead describe as a ball). The fixed point is called the center or centre, and is not part of the sphere itself.
From outer space Earth must look like a soap bubble, a Christmas tree ball , a smokey blue marble. The surface smooth. While in fact this glorious ball is full of scrapes, bulges, slopes and scratches, lines, undulations, and men-made straight- lined forms.
'The world looks nice from outer space
the good old globe looks fine
though every once within a while
I miss that sky-ee line.'

donderdag 5 juni 2008

Beanstalks in dubio

Beanstalks are supposed to follow the straight bamboo sticks , but... somewhere along the line they seem to be in doubt for a day or two . Reaching out for something better in a bean's life?
See how they try.
See how they straighten out. See how they run!
Runnerbeans run counter clockwise. Not so the speed with which they grow.

woensdag 4 juni 2008


According to the line of expectation:Victory!!! Blackbird celebrates evenfall ? That's what it looks like. Sitting on top of the bamboo sticks that are to lead the runner beans up high> - but no! After two minutes of contemplation he' s down on the ground digging for some tiny creepers and then up in the elderberry where something is chirping. One of the chicks made it!!!
One at least survived four cats, three magpies, two black crows and a thunderstorm!
Not only does it land on the terrace for a while, it also makes it back up to the high branches. That's fact! Victory!


A line can be described as an ideal zero-width, infinitely long, perfectly straight curve (the term curve in mathematics includes "straight curves" containing an infinite number of points. Circles are simple shapes of Euclidean geometry. A circle consists of those points in a plane which are at a constant distance , called the radius , from a fixed point, called the center. Giotto , ( c. 1267January 8, 1337 ) drew, in red paint, a circle so perfect that it seemed as though it was drawn using a compass and instructed the messenger to give it to the Pope as proof of his skill. But down here is Leonardo da Vinci 's immortal circle. Man as the center of this 'simple shape' that raises the question: "Is the circle not a different kind of infinitly long line?" As it has no beginning and no end?

maandag 2 juni 2008

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. In two dimensions, two different lines can either be parallel, meaning they never meet, or may intersect at one and only one point. In three or more dimensions, lines may also be skew, meaning they don't meet, but also don't define a plane. Two distinct planes intersect in at most one line.


Does this part of the spiderweb really show natural straight lines? In the upper right corner there seem to be some. Just as long as they are not touched by hand or wind. Then they sag, undulate, change form.
The spider effectively utilizes the wind to carry its initial adhesive thread. With some luck the silk is released from its spinners and carried by the wind to a suitable adherable surface. When it sticks to a surface the spider will carefully walk over the thread and strengthen it with a second thread. This process is repeated until the primary thread is strong enough to support the rest of the netting.

zaterdag 31 mei 2008

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. In Euclidean geometry, exactly one line can be found that passes through any two points. The line provides the shortest connection between the points.
No straight line in the elderberry tree with its fresh flavored flowers in the early morning.No straight line in the rush of the blackbird that picks up crumbs of bread to bring to the nest.

vrijdag 30 mei 2008


The blackbirds are busy feeding chicks. Not directly able to fly after they leave the nest they are fed on the ground for a couple of days. Easy victims to cats , magpies and crows. Every morning the couple turns up to take what is offered. Bread and peanutbutter, worms from the compost bin. They love the occasional apple.
The black one, the male, stuffs his orange beak with as much food as he can hold and while keeping grip on the food rushes off with a shrill song-like shreek.
It' d be victory if just one of the chicks would make it.

zaterdag 24 mei 2008

No straight line in the Elderberry tree with its fresh flavored flowers in the early morning. No straight line in the rush of the blackbird that picks up crumbs of bread to bring to the nest.

vrijdag 23 mei 2008

Where do we find a pure straight line in this world that is not made by men? Does it exist in any other way than as an abstraction?

vrijdag 7 maart 2008

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.